The final say is with the developer and, sadly, CS6/Acrobat Pro XI are unsupported 'old' applications these days. Won't be moving OS until I have to! What makes it worse is that I checked with Apple that Big Sur would run ALL 64-bit applications, but this is NOT the case. Just happy to be back in Mojave with everything working again. Adobe InDesign is a software developed by Adobe Systems for layout and design of brochures, booklets, magazines, newspapers, books and other products intended for printing. install Application Manager 6.2 - Windows AAM 6.2 link - Mac AAM 6.2 link 4. I had the same problem with Acrobat Pro XI but if and when I have to move to Big Sur (or later), Readdle's 64-bit PDF Expert for Mac seems to do everything I need. Adobe CS6 Master Collection Windows and Mac Trials Multilingual Note this archive is a work in progress. In this article, I will go over the primary features of the Adobe InDesign CS6 version and provide download links for Mac and Windows. I am exploring whether I can use Skylum Luminar, Affinity, or DxO instead. Adobe InDesign is a software developed by Adobe Systems for layout and design of brochures, booklets, magazines, newspapers, books and other products intended for printing. How can I find a list of all the native 64-bit applications in CS6 Sincerely, markerline 3. It states that 64-bit is supported across core platforms but it never states what those platforms are. I can't seem to find this in the sales section of CS6 anywhere. With 64-bit native support and GPU acceleration, CS6 gives you more power. cs6 Master Collection: 64-bit across all products markerline Mentor, Hi. As an amateur Photographer (and being retired) I can't justify the CC subscription when CS6 does all, and more, than I need. Genuine Adobe Creative Suite 6 (CS6) Master Collection for Windows / Mac. I had a real problem reverting to Mojave from TimeMachine but got there in the end with telephone support one Sunday from Apple in Dublin. I guess there are 32-bit parts in the Application Libraries or elsewhere. Looking in 'About this Mac' shows Adobe Photoshop CS6 as 64-bit.